
Membership Secretary:Sarah Bailey – email
Club Secretary:Mrs D Richards - email
Treasurer:Louise Cotton – email
Lead Coach:Ryan Moore (Tel 07881922954) – email
Para Coach:Paula Rutherford - email
Fixtures Secretary and Training:Andrea Christmas (Tel 01793 523680) – email
Open Meet & Moonraker Secretary:Sarah Bailey – email
Welfare Officer:Vacancy
Health and Safety OfficerGary Cotton email
Girls Captain:Aimee Masters & Beth Lester
Boys Captain:Tyler Checchia
Masters Secretary:Tyler Checchia email
Web Administrator:Ryan Moore (Tel 07881922954) – email
Please contact the relevant person above. If you are unsure of who to contact use

Pool Coordinators

HighworthSarah Bailey – Developers / Ryan Moore – Squads / Paula Rutherford - Para
Link CentreRyan Moore – Squads
DorcanDean Fouracre & Ryan Moore - Developers
WroughtonDean Fouracre – Squads

With 145 years experience in swimming coaching at Swindon Amateur Swimming Club (ASC), you’re in safe and experienced hands!