We need your help!
All the swimming clubs in Swindon are backing a bid to reinstate the small pool at Milton Rd baths.
By clicking on the link below and voting for Swindon Dolphin you will be helping in the bid to win £200,000 that will be used to get the historic small pool up and running again thus giving the chance for many more Swindon children to learn to swim.
Make your vote (and voice) count, by voting every day at :
Please help spread the word as far as you can, as the winners of the Persimmon Homes Healthy Communities will be decided purely by the public vote. The vote closes on March 16th 2018 with the winners announced on March 22nd.
Milton Rd Baths have served Swindon for the past 125 years so lets do everything we can to make it possible for another 125 years!